Thursday, March 24

How Often Should I Tune My Piano?

First off, let’s establish what tuning a piano really entails. Piano tuning is the act of making tiny corrections to the tensions of the strings of a piano to properly support the note intervals between their pitches so that the strings of the instrument are all in agreement (Collins Piano Service). In other words, tuning a piano means to properly adjust the intervals of the strings to prepare the instrument for a beautiful sound. Cooper Piano states that, “Your piano will sound its best and give you and your family the most pleasure when it is tuned regularly and kept in proper playing condition.”

The rule of thumb when tuning a piano is to tune it twice a year, once when you turn on the heat in the winter, and once when you turn it off in the spring. Both of these are times of the year when humidity changes have the most significant affect on your instrument. However, this is not the only dynamic that affects the strings of your piano. Tuning your piano may be necessary more often, or less often, than you think depending on a few key factors:

To read more on "How Often Should I Tune My Piano?" visit the Peggy Still Website.
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